Assessment in World Languages
Background Knowledge
The integrated performance assessment (IPA): Connecting assessment to instruction and learning
Research on the integrated performance assessment in an Early Foreign Language Program
Instructional decision making and IPAs: Assessing the modes of communication
Intro to performance assessments
Creating rubrics- CARLA
Understanding rubrics
Rubrics and Scoring (includes guidelines, common errors and examples of poorly adapted and well adapted rubrics)
Practice modules for evaluating speaking performances on the ACTFL proficiency scale (Spanish)
Performance Tasks
Performance Assessment Infographic
Creating meaningful performance assessment tasks
Jefferson County Public Schools, KY performance tasks
TELL Project Performance and Feedback Self-Assessment
Georgia Department of Education Performance Task examples
Creating performance tasks and assessments using authentic text
Designing Performance Tasks (resources and ideas)
Performance Task Template
Graphic Organizers for Performance Tasks
Integrated Performance Assessments
Examples of IPAs from OFLA (French, Spanish, Arabic, and Latin)
Examples of IPAs from CARLA (ESL, Italian, and Chinese)
IPA presentation (P. Sandrock)
OFLA IPA Tech Live Binder
IPA Live Binder
IPA template
Every day’s an IPA
Examples of IPAs from CARLA (ESL, Italian, and Chinese)
IPA presentation (P. Sandrock)
OFLA IPA Tech Live Binder
IPA Live Binder
IPA template
Every day’s an IPA
IPA template
Performance Rubrics (South Carolina)
Proficiency Rubrics (OFLA)
Jefferson County Performance Assessment Rubric
Performance Toward Proficiency: World Language Assessment Rubric (Musicuentos)
Presentational Performance Assessment Rubric (South Carolina)
Interpersonal Speaking Rubric (FLENJ)
CAPS Rubrics (A New Jersey FLAP grant project)
Proficiency Rubrics (OFLA)
Jefferson County Performance Assessment Rubric
Performance Toward Proficiency: World Language Assessment Rubric (Musicuentos)
Presentational Performance Assessment Rubric (South Carolina)
Interpersonal Speaking Rubric (FLENJ)
CAPS Rubrics (A New Jersey FLAP grant project)
Sample Proficiency-Based Rubrics
Interpersonal Speaking
Presentational Speaking
Interpersonal and Presentational Writing
Speaking Explanation with Analytic Rubric for Grading
Writing Explanation with Analytic Rubric for Grading
Fayette County, KY Rubrics
South Carolina rubrics
Flemington-Raritan, NJ rubrics
NE ISD, TX rubrics
Glastonbury, CT rubrics
Jefferson County, KY performance rubrics
Shelby County, TN performance rubrics
Rubrics for World Languages (Ohio State Department of Education)
World Language Rubrics (Spring ISD, TX)
Washoe Co, NV rubrics
Wellesley Public Schools, MA rubrics
Fulton Co, GA rubrics
New Haven, CT World Languages rubrics
Student Self-Assessment and Feedback
Student Proficiency Tracker Level 4
Student Proficiency Tracker Level 1
Feedback on Writing Performance
Feedback on Speaking Performance
Feedback for Listening and Reading
Moving to the Next Proficiency Level
Yo Puedo Learning Target Assessment
Elementary Can Do Checklist
Shelby County, TN Performance Feedback Tools
Student Self-Assessment with Drag and Drop Can-Do's (@GrandjeanMyriam)
ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL)
Avant STAndards-based Measure of Proficiency (STAMP)
Student Self-Assessments (Cobb Co, GA)
Glow and Grow Rubric Feedback/Comments (M. Travers)
Student Self-Assessment with Drag and Drop Can-Do's (@GrandjeanMyriam)
ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL)
Avant STAndards-based Measure of Proficiency (STAMP)
Student Self-Assessments (Cobb Co, GA)
Glow and Grow Rubric Feedback/Comments (M. Travers)