Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in World Languages
ACTFL Position statement on diversity and inclusion in world language teaching and learning
ACTFL Position statement on language as a core component of education for all students
Teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students
Valuing diversity in learners. Workshop 6
Supporting all children using the Connecticut early learning and development standards: Meeting the needs of diverse learners
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and languages: What are the connections?
Diversity, belonging and the second language acquisition of Spanish
Building connections with students from diverse cultural backgrounds through perspective-taking
Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students
Seven ways to support diversity in the classroom
Diversity, equity, and inclusion Pinterest board
ACTFL resources that address issues of race, diversity, and social justice
Pinterest board with resources for multiple languages on the topic of identity
Pinterest board with resources for multiple languages on the topics of racism, discrimination, and bias
Pinterest board with resources for multiple languages on the topic of social justice
Diversity Toolkit
How to respect my ethnic name
ACTFL Position statement on language as a core component of education for all students
Teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students
Valuing diversity in learners. Workshop 6
Supporting all children using the Connecticut early learning and development standards: Meeting the needs of diverse learners
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and languages: What are the connections?
Diversity, belonging and the second language acquisition of Spanish
Building connections with students from diverse cultural backgrounds through perspective-taking
Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students
Seven ways to support diversity in the classroom
Diversity, equity, and inclusion Pinterest board
ACTFL resources that address issues of race, diversity, and social justice
Pinterest board with resources for multiple languages on the topic of identity
Pinterest board with resources for multiple languages on the topics of racism, discrimination, and bias
Pinterest board with resources for multiple languages on the topic of social justice
Diversity Toolkit
How to respect my ethnic name
Arnett, K., & Mady, C. (2010). A critically conscious examination of special education within FSL and its relevance to FSL teacher education programs. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 19–36
Arnett, K., & Mady, C. (2018). Exemption and exclusion from French second language programs in Canada: Consideration of novice teachers’ rationales. Exceptionality Education International. 28
Baggett, H. (2016). Student enrollment in world languages: L'Égalité des chances? ACTFL Foreign Language Annals. 49. Alexandria, VA
Glynn, C. (2012). The role of ethnicity in the foreign language classroom: Perspectives on African American students’ enrollment, experiences, and identity. (Publication No. 153574313) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Glynn, C., & Wassell, B. (2018). Who gets to play? Issues of access and social justice in world language study in the U.S. College of Education Faculty Scholarship, 11, 18-32.
Lu, X., & Troyan, F. J. (2022). Diversity and inclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse students in K-12 Chinese language education. ACTFL Foreign Language Annals, 55, 684–703. Alexandria, VA.
Wesely, P. (2012). Learner attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs in language 45(1), 98-117. Alexandria, VA.
Wise, N., Cummins, J., Chen, X., Mady, C., & Arnett, K. (2011). Access to special education for exceptional students in French immersion programs: An equity issue. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 14.
Arnett, K., & Mady, C. (2018). Exemption and exclusion from French second language programs in Canada: Consideration of novice teachers’ rationales. Exceptionality Education International. 28
Baggett, H. (2016). Student enrollment in world languages: L'Égalité des chances? ACTFL Foreign Language Annals. 49. Alexandria, VA
Glynn, C. (2012). The role of ethnicity in the foreign language classroom: Perspectives on African American students’ enrollment, experiences, and identity. (Publication No. 153574313) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Glynn, C., & Wassell, B. (2018). Who gets to play? Issues of access and social justice in world language study in the U.S. College of Education Faculty Scholarship, 11, 18-32.
Lu, X., & Troyan, F. J. (2022). Diversity and inclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse students in K-12 Chinese language education. ACTFL Foreign Language Annals, 55, 684–703. Alexandria, VA.
Wesely, P. (2012). Learner attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs in language 45(1), 98-117. Alexandria, VA.
Wise, N., Cummins, J., Chen, X., Mady, C., & Arnett, K. (2011). Access to special education for exceptional students in French immersion programs: An equity issue. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 14.
Social Justice Resources