Authentic Resources
Selecting Authentic Text
Sources fo Authentic Text by Language
Generic infographic activity
Analysis of an infographic (Spanish)
Memes and Quotes in Target
Online Kids Magazines in Target Languages
Online Target Language
Multiple Languages |
Value |
Chinese |
Value |
Value |
Value |
French |
Value |
Value |
German |
Value |
Spanish |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Animated Cartoons
Commercials and Videos in the Target Language
Pinterest board with French Commercials
Pinterest board with French Commercials
Pub TV Gratuites (You Tube)
Télé Louisiane (You Tube)
Google Drive folder with Spanish Commercials (Kara Jacobs)
Google Drive folder with worksheets for Spanish Commercials (Kara Jacobs)
More Spanish commercials
Authentic Advertisements in Spanish
YouTube Playlists of French videos (Madame Henderson)
French film clips (Sarah Moghtader)
French film clips (Sarah Moghtader)- bank of activities
Experiencias Con Arte (YouTube channel)
Video playlist for Elementary Spanish (Glenda de Hoyos)
Pinterest board with French Commercials
Pub TV Gratuites (You Tube)
Télé Louisiane (You Tube)
Google Drive folder with Spanish Commercials (Kara Jacobs)
Google Drive folder with worksheets for Spanish Commercials (Kara Jacobs)
More Spanish commercials
Authentic Advertisements in Spanish
YouTube Playlists of French videos (Madame Henderson)
French film clips (Sarah Moghtader)
French film clips (Sarah Moghtader)- bank of activities
Experiencias Con Arte (YouTube channel)
Video playlist for Elementary Spanish (Glenda de Hoyos)
AATF YouTube Video Playlists
Visuals as authentic text
Wonders of Street View
Visuals for Speaking and Writing Pinterest Board
Dibustock: Royalty-Free Stock Children's Illustrations
World Images
National Geographic Photo of the Day: People and Culture
Hungry Planet: What the world eats
Around the world of breakfasts
School lunches around the world
What's Going on in this Picture? (New York Times)
What's Going on in this Graph? (New York Times)
Authentic Images for Spanish (Rosalyn Rhodes)
Images de France
Art coloring pages
Spanish arts
National Gallery of Art
The Prado Museum
The Louvre Museum
The Realia Project
Pexels: Free stock photos
50 Captivating Photos of Girls Going to School Around the World
Everyday Africa (Instagram)
Everyday Latin America (Instagram)
Everyday Middle East (Instagram)
Everyday Asia (Instagram)
Everyday USA (Instagram)
Everyday Eastern Europe (Instagram)
Visual Thinking Strategies
Visual Thinking Strategies for Improved Comprehension
Visual Thinking Strategies: Milwaukee Art Museum:
Teaching Visual Literacy in the Classroom:
7 Things You Should Know About Visual Literacy:
Visuals for Speaking and Writing Pinterest Board
Dibustock: Royalty-Free Stock Children's Illustrations
World Images
National Geographic Photo of the Day: People and Culture
Hungry Planet: What the world eats
Around the world of breakfasts
School lunches around the world
What's Going on in this Picture? (New York Times)
What's Going on in this Graph? (New York Times)
Authentic Images for Spanish (Rosalyn Rhodes)
Images de France
Art coloring pages
Spanish arts
National Gallery of Art
The Prado Museum
The Louvre Museum
The Realia Project
Pexels: Free stock photos
50 Captivating Photos of Girls Going to School Around the World
Everyday Africa (Instagram)
Everyday Latin America (Instagram)
Everyday Middle East (Instagram)
Everyday Asia (Instagram)
Everyday USA (Instagram)
Everyday Eastern Europe (Instagram)
Visual Thinking Strategies
Visual Thinking Strategies for Improved Comprehension
Visual Thinking Strategies: Milwaukee Art Museum:
Teaching Visual Literacy in the Classroom:
7 Things You Should Know About Visual Literacy:
Examples of authentic text by language and theme
Spanish 1
French 3/4
German 3/4
Pinterest boards for global themes
AP German Pinterest board (K. Dubs)
AP Italian Pinterest board (KBC)
AP Spanish Literature Pinterest Board (B. Mena)
Pinterest boards to follow
Novice Level Spanish: Señora Sherrow
Elementary Spanish: Moorestown Elementary
Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Faith Rhodes
Advanced Level Spanish: Sharon Birch
French (all levels)- Sarah Moghtader
French resources: Meg Chance
French resources: Julee LaPorte
French resources: Perfecting Pedagogy
German Teacher Favorites
Hebrew resources
French idioms
The Language Teacher (German, Chinese, Italian)
Deb V-W Italian Teacher
Authentic resources from social
Social Media posts for teaching grammar in context (multiple language structures for multiple languages)- lots and lots of examples!
Social Media posts on content themes
Pastimes (French)
Pastimes tweets (Spanish)
Favorite clothing (French)
Favorite clothing (Spanish)
Vacations (Spanish)
Cold weather (French)
Cold weather (Spanish)
Travel (Spanish)
Childhood (French)
Childhood (Spanish)
Breakfast (French)
Breakfast (Spanish)
Breakfast (Portuguese)
Recycling (French)
Tech Stress (Spanish)
Using Twitter for Authentic Communication in Spanish Class
15 Facebook pages for Spanish Authentic Resources
Le Parisien Infog Twitter page
El Paîs infografía
Authentic Resources by Theme
American Sign Language resources
ASL Resources Pinterest Board
ASL Authentic Resources list (Ohio Dept of Education)
American Sign Language Pinterest Board
Creative ASL Teaching blog
ASL Games (Pinterest)
TED Talk: The Enchanting Music of Sign Language
The CODA Brothers
ASL interpreter S. Hanson (Jokes)
Dr Don G "Do you lipread?" (leaning towards English, but a great story)
Hearing Privilege from Facundo Element
From Street Leverage
Can a Deaf person deliver pizzas?
Open Captioned Vlogs
Keith Wann's website
Amber Galloway Gallego Hearing Privilege
Rob Nielson YouTube channel
ASL Teacher Share Facebook Page
DHN on YouTube
Daily News in ASL
The Daily Moth
Matt Daigle (Deaf comic strips)
DEAF Cartoons- That Deaf Guy- Matt Daigle
Best SIgn Language Music Videos (You Tube)
VL2 Storybook Apps
ASL Meredith (YouTube channel)
ASL Authentic Resources list (Ohio Dept of Education)
American Sign Language Pinterest Board
Creative ASL Teaching blog
ASL Games (Pinterest)
TED Talk: The Enchanting Music of Sign Language
The CODA Brothers
ASL interpreter S. Hanson (Jokes)
Dr Don G "Do you lipread?" (leaning towards English, but a great story)
Hearing Privilege from Facundo Element
From Street Leverage
Can a Deaf person deliver pizzas?
Open Captioned Vlogs
Keith Wann's website
Amber Galloway Gallego Hearing Privilege
Rob Nielson YouTube channel
ASL Teacher Share Facebook Page
DHN on YouTube
Daily News in ASL
The Daily Moth
Matt Daigle (Deaf comic strips)
DEAF Cartoons- That Deaf Guy- Matt Daigle
Best SIgn Language Music Videos (You Tube)
VL2 Storybook Apps
ASL Meredith (YouTube channel)
Latin Resources
Latin in the Real World Facebook Group This site has news stories in Latin
Virginia Latina Loquenda beginner resources
YouTube channels
Magister Craft - Latin via Minecraft
Scorpio Martianus - Latin songs, tours in Latin, and other videos
Legio XIII - Latin podcast by Magister Craft and Scorpio Martianus
Latin Tutorial - Latin grammar explanations
Latinitium - Latin tours, lessons, and stories
Latin Listening Project
Coquamus - Latin cooking channel
Latin Authentic Resources Padlet
Ancient Graffiti Project
Magistra Michaud- rich Pinterest boards
French resources from Senegal This site has news stories in Latin
Virginia Latina Loquenda beginner resources
YouTube channels
Magister Craft - Latin via Minecraft
Scorpio Martianus - Latin songs, tours in Latin, and other videos
Legio XIII - Latin podcast by Magister Craft and Scorpio Martianus
Latin Tutorial - Latin grammar explanations
Latinitium - Latin tours, lessons, and stories
Latin Listening Project
Coquamus - Latin cooking channel
Latin Authentic Resources Padlet
Ancient Graffiti Project
Magistra Michaud- rich Pinterest boards
French resources from Senegal