The Communicative Modes
ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements
Three Modes of Communication
Interpersonal Speaking Rubric
Presentational Speaking Rubric
Interpersonal and Presentation Writing Rubric
Interpersonal Strategies
Interpersonal Strategies
Interpersonal Speaking: Activities and Assessments
Integrating Interpersonal Speaking into Language Instruction
Core Practices: Fostering Interpersonal Communication
ACTFL Guiding Principle: Design Communicative Tasks
Interpretive Strategies
Interpretive Strategies
Addressing the Interpretive Mode Webpage
Authentic resources webpage
Presentational Strategies
Presentational Strategies
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements
Three Modes of Communication
Interpersonal Speaking Rubric
Presentational Speaking Rubric
Interpersonal and Presentation Writing Rubric
Interpersonal Strategies
Interpersonal Strategies
Interpersonal Speaking: Activities and Assessments
Integrating Interpersonal Speaking into Language Instruction
Core Practices: Fostering Interpersonal Communication
ACTFL Guiding Principle: Design Communicative Tasks
Interpretive Strategies
Interpretive Strategies
Addressing the Interpretive Mode Webpage
Authentic resources webpage
Presentational Strategies
Presentational Strategies
Building Communicative Skills in the Modes
Interpersonal vs. Presentational
Modes Activity
Strategies by Mode
High Five (see below) Chat Stations Turn and Talk (see below) Timed Think Talk |
Active Reading (see below) Think/Write Aloud (see below) Jigsaw Visual Notetaking 1-2-3 (see below) Say Something Making text-to-self, to-text, & to-world connections Picture Prompts (see below) Text Mark Up (see below) Most Important Word Card Sort Running Dictation I Have, Who Has/Whip Around Dictogloss Blackout Poetry Symbol notes SPUNKI Picture Dictation (see below) Step Left/Step Right (see below) See, Think, Wonder Opinion Twins (see below) Situation bags (see below) |
Brainwriting Sentence Combining (see below) Mad Libs (see below) Dialogue Journals Building Blocks (see below) Round Robin Writing Talking Chips Bounce Cards Conversation Jenga Graffiti Ball of yarn (see below) Story/Conversation Strips (see below) Word Cloud Build-a-Story Gallery Walk Build a Story (see below) Password (see below) Picture Stories (see below) What's in the bag? (see below) Elevator pitch |
Modes-focused strategy cards