Tools for Scaffolding and Supporting
6 Scaffolding strategies to use with your students
Guiding students to be independent learners
18 Ways to Scaffold Learning in the Classroom
Extend your students' reach and move them toward independence
How to develop independent learners
6 Scaffolding strategies to use with your students
Guiding students to be independent learners
18 Ways to Scaffold Learning in the Classroom
Extend your students' reach and move them toward independence
How to develop independent learners
Habits of Good Language Learners
Ten Characteristics of the Good Language Learner
14 Characteristics of a Good Language Learner
Characteristics of Successful Language Learners
Ten Characteristics of the Good Language Learner
14 Characteristics of a Good Language Learner
Characteristics of Successful Language Learners
Link to Pinterest board
Elementary versions of the Language Learners with a Growth Mindset poster
Elementary poster
Elementary poster with pictures
Elementary poster trace and color
Elementary poster missing phrases with pictures only
Word Walls and Desk Strips
Virtual word wall for Arabic
Virtual word wall for ASL
Virtual word wall for Chinese
Virtual word wall for French
Virtual word wall for Elementary French
Virtual word wall for German
Virtual word wall for Greek
Virtual word wall for Italian
Virtual word wall for Japanese
Virtual word wall for Latin
Virtual word wall for Portuguese
Virtual word wall for Russian
Virtual word wall for Spanish
Virtual word wall for Elementary Spanish
Virtual word wall for ASL
Virtual word wall for Chinese
Virtual word wall for French
Virtual word wall for Elementary French
Virtual word wall for German
Virtual word wall for Greek
Virtual word wall for Italian
Virtual word wall for Japanese
Virtual word wall for Latin
Virtual word wall for Portuguese
Virtual word wall for Russian
Virtual word wall for Spanish
Virtual word wall for Elementary Spanish
Spanish word wall printable
Communicative Skill Builders
French I CSB
Italian 1 CSB
Chinese 1 CSB
French 4 and AP CSB
Spanish 2 CSB |
Spanish 3 CSB
German 1 and 2 CSB
Graphic Organizers
ACTFL Graphic Organizers
Downloadable and Editable Graphic Organizers from CARLA (Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition)
Downloadable and Editable Graphic Organizers from CARLA (Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition)
Value |
Value |
KWL in Spanish
KWL in French
KWL in German
KWL in Arabic
15 Free Google Drawings graphic organizers (editable)
KWL in French
KWL in German
KWL in Arabic
15 Free Google Drawings graphic organizers (editable)
Blank editable graphic organizers
Picture description frames (Speaking and Writing)