Meeting the needs of diverse language learners
ACTFL position statement on language as a core component of education for all students
ACTFL position statement on diversity and inclusion in world language teaching and learning
Valuing diversity in learners Workshop 6 (Annenberg Learner)
Diverse learner strategies (Ohio Department of Education)
World language learning for all Delaware Students: Ensuring universal accessibility to high-levels of language acquisition (Delaware Department of Education)
Engaging all language learners. We Teach Languages podcast, Episode 69
Let's get specific: Strategies for supporting students with special needs (C. Montgomery)
Strategies for language learners with ADD/ADHD
Differentiated instruction: Maximizing the learning of all students. The Iris Center.
IRIS resource locator
Classroom resources from the Nora Project
Five ways to engage your students in the world language classroom
How do you support every learner?: Differentiation in the language classroom.
ACTFL position statement on diversity and inclusion in world language teaching and learning
Valuing diversity in learners Workshop 6 (Annenberg Learner)
Diverse learner strategies (Ohio Department of Education)
World language learning for all Delaware Students: Ensuring universal accessibility to high-levels of language acquisition (Delaware Department of Education)
Engaging all language learners. We Teach Languages podcast, Episode 69
Let's get specific: Strategies for supporting students with special needs (C. Montgomery)
Strategies for language learners with ADD/ADHD
Differentiated instruction: Maximizing the learning of all students. The Iris Center.
IRIS resource locator
Classroom resources from the Nora Project
Five ways to engage your students in the world language classroom
How do you support every learner?: Differentiation in the language classroom.
Differentiated Instruction: Maximizing the Learning of All Students Module
Differentiated Instruction for the Foreign Language Instruction (T. Thiesen)
Differentiation in the Multilevel Classroom
Busting Myths about Differentiated Instruction
DI Cue Card
Differentiation Is and Isn't Infographics
Reach Every Student Through Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction for the Foreign Language Instruction (T. Thiesen)
Differentiation in the Multilevel Classroom
Busting Myths about Differentiated Instruction
DI Cue Card
Differentiation Is and Isn't Infographics
Reach Every Student Through Differentiated Instruction
Language Learners with Special Needs
Assisting Students with Foreign Language Learning Difficulties in School
Foreign language learning and special needs children
Language education and learning disabilities
At-Risk Students and the Study of Foreign Language in School
World languages and special needs students (Pinterest board)
Assisting Students with Foreign Language Learning Difficulties in School
Foreign language learning and special needs children
Language education and learning disabilities
At-Risk Students and the Study of Foreign Language in School
World languages and special needs students (Pinterest board)
Heritage Learners
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Center for Applied Special Technologies
CAST UDL Studio-create and share universally designed educational materials
UDL Introduction Video
UDL Prezi
UDL Jeopardy Labs game
Crosswalk between UDL and Danielson Framework for Teaching
UDL: Creating a Learning Environment that Challenges and Engages All Students (module by IRIS Center)
UDL: An Introductory Module
UDL Overview Card
UDL Foldable Booklet
UDL Wheel DIY Template
UDL Principles and Practice Videos
UDL at a Glance Video
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in World Languages Podcast Series (NFLRC, University of Hawaii)
Access for Success: Making inclusion work for language learners book home page
Teacher Inventory of Baseline Techniques
Project Linc
The UDL Approach Podcast series
UDL Implementation: It Takes a Village- Katie Novak keynote
UDL in Action: 100 Ways to Teach All Learners
Step-by Step Lesson Planning Using Universal Design for Learning
ThinkUDL podcast
Supporting research
Bond, N. (2003). Differentiating instruction in the LOTE classroom: Focus on special education learners. LOTE CED Lowdown. American Institutes for Research.
Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI). Teaching Diverse Learners Overview.
Bondie, R. S., Dahnke, C., & Zusho, A. (2019). How does changing “one-size- fits-all” to differentiated instruction affect teaching? Review of Research in Education, 43(1), 336–362
Chambers, D., Varoqlu, Z., & Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, I. (2016). Learning for all: guidelines on the inclusion of learners with disabilities in open and distance learning. UNESCO.
Dion, S. (2020). Diversity and inclusion in world language teachers’ instructional practices. NECTFL Review, 86, 33-44.
Kim, D. (2020). Learning language, learning culture: Teaching language to the whole student. ECNU Review of Education, 3(3), 519– 541
Ortega, D., Cabrera, J., & Benalcazar, J. (2018). Differentiating instruction in the language learning classroom: Theoretical considerations and practical applications. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. 9. 1220.
Pozas, M., Letzel, V. & Schneider, C. (2020), Teachers and differentiated instruction: exploring differentiation practices to address student diversity. J Res Spec Educ Needs, 20: 217-230.
Row, L. (2022). Differentiation, Gradual Release of Responsibility, and Second Language Methods in the World Language Classroom (master's thesis). Western Oregon University, Monmouth, Oregon.
Recommended reading
Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners (Katy Arnett and Renee Bourgoin)
High Leverage Practices in Special Education (Council for Exceptional Children)
UDL for Language Learners (Caroline Torres and Kavita Rao)