Using Authentic Text in the WL Classroom
I. The Interpretive Mode
World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages (summary)NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements
Guiding Principles for Language Learning
Core Practices for World Language Learning
The Three Modes of Communication
Activities that Build Interpretive Skills
Active Reading
Think/Write Aloud
Visual Notetaking
Say Something
Making text-to-self, to-text, & to-world connections
Picture Prompts
Text Mark Up
Most Important Word
Card Sort
Running Dictation
I Have, Who Has/Whip Around
Symbol Notes
Response Sheet/Extract-React Notetaking
Concept Circles
Magnet Summaries
II. What is Authentic Text? How Do I Find Authentic Text? How Do I Select Authentic Text?
Authentic Resources
Leslie's Pinterest boards
Zachary Jones Zambombazo
Spanish Commercials
Spanish Commercials Worksheets
French Songs Aligned to Themes and Structures
Pinterest boards/Pinners to follow:
Novice Level Spanish: Señora Sherrow
Novice Level Spanish: Señorita N. Rodriguez
French resources: Meg Chance
French resources: Julee LaPorte
German Teacher Favorites
III. How Do I Use Authentic Text with Learners at All Levels?/ How Do I Adapt Tasks Without Altering the Authentic Text?
Tiering strategies
Tiering strategies